Phillips CPAP Users May Have A Replacement Device Coming Within The Next Several Months
In the meantime former users might want to make several positive lifestyle changes to help reduce the effects of the condition
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 - The recall of several million Phillips CPAP sleep apnea devices has left those who suffer from the condition looking for another way to stop snoring. The Phillips brands of sleep apnea machines are accused of leaching deadly particles, chemicals, and gasses into the users' airways throughout the night while in use every day. This rapid accumulation of toxins is feared to have led users to develop lung cancer and other lung disorders. The device's malfunction was caused by particles of polyurethane foam used to mute the sound of the device's motor, breaking off and being inhaled or swallowed by the user. Phillips has acted promptly and has initiated a repair and replace program that is designed to get repaired units back into the bedrooms of their clients. In the meantime, sleep apnea sufferers should look to do what they can to lead a healthier lifestyle that could reduce their dependence on the devices. Many users have filed Phillips CPAP cancer lawsuit to hold the company accountable for bringing a faulty medical device to market.
Sleep apnea specialists at the Mayo Clinic tell readers that losing weight is the best thing a person can do to reduce or eliminate sleep. Losing fat will increase the space on the throat airway and can help keep it open. This could prevent or lessen snoring. They also feel that cardiovascular exercise will strengthen the lungs and breathing in general. They recommend walking at least 30 minutes per day, and the longer and faster the better off they will be. The doctors also think that avoiding alcohol and tranquilizers would help keep the muscles in the throat from relaxing and interfering with breathing during sleep. Implementing positive lifestyle changes will help reduce sleep apnea and may lead to being generally more healthy and less disease-prone. If left untreated sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure and heart disease. People who suffer from sleep apnea stop breathing several times during the night and usually wake up gasping for breath from being on the verge of suffocation, according to world-renowned sleep apnea specialists at the Cleveland Clinic. Stopping smoking also reduces the amount of mucous in the sinus and throat and can create more airway space. Finally, the Mayo Clinic recommends that a person with sleep apnea sleep on the side rather than on their fronts or backs.
Make no mistake, the Phillips CPAP recall is serious business, and the faulty device can cause permanent injury and even death. The Boston Globe addressed the seriousness of this matter by writing, " (The Phillips CPAP Sleep Apnea Device) is a machine used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, which manufacturer Philips is recalling. In its recall announcement, Philips said the foam used in its machines for noise reduction breaks down and could be ingested by users, causing life-threatening injury.
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Lawyers for CPAP Cancer Lawsuits
We will represent all persons in involved in a BiPAP or CPAP cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. Anyone who developed cancer or another serious side effect as a result of using a Philips CPAP sleep apnea machine or ventilator in --or is a family member of such a person--is eligible to receive a free, no-obligation case review from our attorneys. Simply contact our firm through the online contact form or the chat feature and one of our Philips BiPAP cancer lawyers serving will contact you promptly to discuss your case.