Philips CPAP Cancer Lawsuit News

Phillips Respironics Waited Too Recall Sleep Apnea Machines And Their Customers Died As A Result

If Phillips Respironics recalled their sleep apnea machines when they were informed of problems years ago lives may have been saved

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 - In 2021, Dutch company Royal Philips, the maker of the Phillips Dreamstation sleep apnea machine, recalled the deadly and defective CPAP device. The Phillips CPAP recall covered more than 4 million devices that were being used by people throughout the United States and around the world. The recall addressed complaints that had been made to the company and to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the machine's sound abatement foam degrading and spewing toxic black particles, chemicals, and gasses directly into the machine's airway and into the users face mask that could be breathed or swallowed. The user unknowingly was breathing and swallowing toxic possibly carcinogenic chemicals deep into their stomach and lungs with every breath for 8 hours, night after night for years. It is not uncommon for a person to rely on the sleep apnea device to get the rest necessary to lead a normal, productive life. In addition to life-threatening personal injuries, people using the device have died as a result and their estates have filed wrongful death lawsuits alleging that it was the fault of Royal Phillips for not warning them of the cancer dangers. The loved ones of a Missouri man filed a Phillips CPAP lawsuit the other day alleging that using the Phillips CPAP device caused his esophageal cancer and eventual death. Hundreds of CPAP plaintiffs or their loved ones claim that had they known about the machine's potential defects they would have chosen another type of therapy.

Phillips is accused of waiting years to inform customers of the deadly malfunctioning of their machines so that they could have a substitute product available to sell to them and maximize profits. Consumers, patient organizations, and health care professional societies all have questions about when and how to comply with the Phillips CPAP recall and the FDA recently updated their guidance on the matter. The FDA had been pressured by US Attorney General William Tong to step up efforts and force Phillips Respironics to recall and make the necessary repairs and replacements immediately. AG Tong confirmed the fears many CPAP patients have. "Particulates released from degrading PE-PUR foam into devices' air pathways and off-gassing of chemicals are toxic and potentially carcinogenic, presenting a serious and unacceptable risk to patients." AG Tong criticized Phillips Respironics' lack of effort or desire to actually follow through on their voluntary recall edict. "Unfortunately, the notification issued by Philips Respironics to patients never explained how the company will repair or replace the defective devices. Patients have reported that calls to the toll-free phone number provided do not connect callers with people knowledgeable about the recall, and requests for return phone calls are not fulfilled." AG Tong said. The FDA advises CPAP users that the risks of developing a deadly disease must be weighed against the consequences of discontinuing using the device and that people should consult their sleep apnea doctor for advice. The FDA alerts us that black particles may not be visible in the device's clear airway and should assume that the machine is defective nonetheless.

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Lawyers for CPAP Cancer Lawsuits

We will represent all persons in involved in a BiPAP or CPAP cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. Anyone who developed cancer or another serious side effect as a result of using a Philips CPAP sleep apnea machine or ventilator in --or is a family member of such a person--is eligible to receive a free, no-obligation case review from our attorneys. Simply contact our firm through the online contact form or the chat feature and one of our Philips BiPAP cancer lawyers serving will contact you promptly to discuss your case.

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